"Girl with the upright bass" from Mannheim

Street music trio Acoustic Pieces

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Unverbindlich anfragen The Acoustic-Band Acoustic Pieces presents street music with Rock'n'Roll, Latin & Country music. Duo or Trio.

The Mannheim Acousticband Acoustic Pieces ...
sounds like: enthralling street music with Country, Latin & Rock`N`Roll
performs: as a duo with double bass & acoustic guitar or in the trio (plus percussion)
likes to play: at your company event, your birthday or your wedding.

We present timeless, refreshing and equally honest music. When street music is understood as an expression of being close to the audience and close to the audience, this is also the characteristic feature of the Mannheimer Ensemble Acoustic Pieces, which at first sight and sound arouse the sympathy of the audience.
Mimi, "the girl with the double bass", sings and plucks the strings - she is accompanied by her fellow musicians Steffen on the guitar and Daniel on percussion / drums on request. She has devoted herself to the music since her childhood. With her self-confident and self-confident interpretations of timeless music classic, Mimi inspires her listeners.
The mobile acoustic band takes place in the trio, but also in the space-saving duo and thus plays every stage, from the intimate living room appearance to the gala concert. The Mannheimer Band is especially waiting for company celebrations and receptions with a refreshingly light swing / jazz / latin program. In addition to Music of the 1920s & the Evergreens of the last decades , titles from their own sources, or their favorites, seamlessly fit into the repertoire.

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