Guitar, Looper, Vocals. Professional from Frankfurt.

Singer & Guitarist Peter Reimer


Solo: instrumental music with guitar and looper (mainly own repertoire) as well as English language program with songs from 6 decades, oldies, folk, blues, country, singer/songwriter + instrumental music for dinner and ambience.

The best loop artist in Germany - Sounds like an entire chamber orchestra


Mazda Deutschland
Verband der Automobilindustrie, Berlin
Industrie- und Handelskammer, Frankfurt


Kundenstimmen / Presse

"With fantasy and improvisational talent, Peter Reimer created a facninating song structure." Newspaper Lüneburger Heide

"A jack-of-all-trades on guitar..." Celle newspaper.

"Guitarist Peter Reimer cast a spell over the audience." Nassau New Press

"Happy, witty and charming, he presented himself as a exceptional singer and guitarist." Rhein-Lahn Newspaper

Zusätzliche Informationen

Peter Reimer plays in a duo with percussion "Twango Bango", in the unplugged guitar cover duo Session Twins as well as in the well known acoustic band E3 - American Folk and More.

A special service of Peter Reimer is also that he accompanies as a musician with Christian/spiritual background and his human-binding nature also funerals and funerals with suitable music - both interdenominational and non-church.

Peter Reimer will be happy to advise you - benefit from his expertise and from his extraordinary abilities as a musician and artist and ask for a non-binding quote. 

Copyrights to the photos: Peter Reimer - Yvonne Edelbauer-Ebersbach - Peter Ehrlich - Mike Bauersachs

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