Violinist Beatrix Loew-Beer


- Classical from Bach to Tchaikovsky

- Swing/Electroswing/20er years

- Lounge Music

- Oldies from Gloria Gaynor to Elvis

- Film music (Pirates of the Caribbean, James Bond, etc.)

- Current Charts

- House / Chill House / Deep House


Samsung Galaxy Launch Frankfurt 2013

Otto Mare Opening Palma de Mallorca 2013

Winston Pool Party Kempinski Ishtar Dead Sea Jordan

Great Wood Festival 2012

Silhouette Fair Party 2014

Playboy Hahnenkamm After Race Party Kitzbühel 2014

BMW 2013

Berlinale 2014

Berlin Fashion Week 2014

Mercedes Congress 2014

and many more...

Zusätzliche Informationen

Beatrix offers:

Violin solo

Violin with DJ / DJ

Violin with Percussion (1-6 percussionists)

Violin with vocals

Violin, voice, Djane / Piano Trio as

Violin with dancers

Talk to us easily with your concept or wishes directly a>


Book this violinist with DJ or as a show with percussion in Stuttgart, Ulm, Heidelberg, Germany but also all over germany on request

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